As long as a student is on the school roll he / she must always come to school in uniform, even on birthdays.

No student is allowed to attend any Open House, school function (in or outside the school) in any dress other than the school uniform.

Nursery, L.K.G and U.K.G students should carry a clean napkin and a mat to school daily.

Important: Please send an extra pair of undergarments and a set of clothes in the child’s bag regularly.



Beige colored checked half sleeved shirt (with school monogram), Beige colored shorts, White socks, Black shoes, Beige turban (for Sikh Boys), Brown school belt (with school monogram).


Same as Summer uniform with full trousers, with Brown Blazer.


Beige colored checked half sleeved shirt (with school monogram), Beige colored skirt, White socks, Black shoes, Brown school belt (with school monogram).


Same as Summer uniform, with Brown Blazer.